The Lies of The Fathers: His Female Propagandists and The Forgotten Genocide of Women and Girls


The following is a post by my friend, Elizabeth Robertson. I loved her post so much that I asked her if I could publish it here as a guest post. Thankfully, she agreed.


Every few months the whole “SOME radical feminists want to slaughter male babies” fight does the rounds. You could almost set your clock to it. Everyone knows who is meant when this old chestnut is trotted out for a good old lesbian bashing session that so many male partnered women (funny that) like to engage in.

This narrative of lesbians wanting to kill infant males is to lesbophobic bi/het rad fems what “The Protocols of The Learned Elders of Zion” is to anti-Semites. It’s conspiracy theory.

Instead of “The Jews will steal your Christian children and use their blood for their Matzo bread” it’s “The Lesbian Radical Feminists will steal your infant sons and murder them”. The people spreading this myth may not refer to lesbians directly, but it’s often implied even if it’s not outright stated.

Most het/bi female on lesbian aggression is sly and understated given that overt “I’ll knock your teeth out” aggression shows up the lie that is the performance of femininity. Not that physical aggression is unknown, but is generally carried out by a man for the het/bi woman after she successfully manipulates her husband/brother/son/male family member to bully or attack the lesbian she has an issue with.

It’s the same old lesbian hating heterosexual female fear mongering that goes on because het women bring their patriarchal imperative to hate lesbians into radical feminism. It’s a fable that heterosexual women tell each other when they’re uncomfortable with anger being expressed against males in general. It dusted off whenever any woman asserts their bodily autonomy, whenever they decide that they, and they alone, have the right to refuse to bring more males into the world or into her home. They trot this story out as a “cautionary tale”.

Most of the time a woman will earnestly tell you that a woman advocated for the wholesale slaughter of male toddlers. But she doesn’t know where she saw it, who said it, no screenshots. BUT SHE’S SURE SHE SAW IT. These women can never come up with proof.

Just saying that a woman has the right to not bring a male into the world is enough to set some women off. A woman saying she has a right to not produce males is often misrepresented as being a “male toddler killer”. Statistically, after men, the biggest killer of male toddlers is the toddlers own mother. So if you really want to go after those who kill male infants maybe have a look at the factors that result in a minority of het/bi mothers murdering their infant male offspring. The answer to male infanticide in general is a problem with heterosexual culture, not any area of lesbian culture.

There is a sex based genocide going on, but it’s certainly not being perpetrated by the female subclass of lesbians, it’s being perpetrated by the class of heterosexual men. So if a male partnered woman wants to talk about infants murdered on the basis of their biological sex she might want to talk to her hubby. Because hubby is part of the class that is murdering female infants en masse, part of the class that is subjecting women to forced abortions ESPECIALLY if it is a female foetus. But they’re not killing male toddlers (well, not in the numbers that they’re killing female toddlers), they’re forcing the abortion of female foetuses, and of female toddlers. The estimates of “missing women and girls” range in the vicinity of around 100 MILLION. And whilst this estimate must include those adult females murdered by MEN one must wonder how many are forced sex based abortions and murder of female toddlers for being female. The estimates are commissioned by the UN. Not a group known as a bastion of radical feminism by any means. But heterosexual women want to paint lesbians as psychopathic whilst cuddling up to hubby.

Whilst I hate the term “hysteria” it seems apt here. But really it is “testeria” because the origin of this conspiracy theory painting lesbians as genocidal maniacs (when really it’s their precious men) is out of the desire to serve and please men. Patriarchy teaches heterosexual women that lesbians are “bad women” who aren’t “natural” and “maternal” like good heterosexual women. It is a burden placed on women by men to constantly ostracise lesbians from the community of women. Slandering lesbians and misrepresenting us as threats to children is a lesbian hating trope as old as the hills. Under patriarchy these women must be careful to distance themselves from the lesbian who refuses to submit to male ownership.

Looking at the women who continue this slander one will find that they are almost universally heterosexually partnered, often with children. So they are literally part of the nucleus of the patriarchy. Patriarchies building block is the heterosexual family unit. It is it’s epicentre from which all male power emanates. It is a males refuge, his nursery and his main area of personal support.

Patriarchy LITERALLY means “Rule of the Fathers”. This is why men put so many barriers around birth control and abortions. This is why women are heavily punished by male institutions for leaving their husbands after producing children. They know what one of the foundations of their power is even if male partnered women can’t handle the truth. If a heterosexual woman with children wants to find out about male power all she has to do is leave her husband, try it, see how you go.

Many genuinely aware, genuinely radical feminist het/bi single mothers can attest to the reality of men’s power in their lives and often live with a great deal of state backed male control and abuse for daring to break the patriarchal bond of the marriage. But then again the type of het/bi women who sneer at lesbians and tell lies about lesbians are often the SAME het/bi women who support attacks on single mothers and gently palm the halls of their tormentors.

When a heterosexual woman attacks lesbians for refusing to serve men she is serving the male class (often in fact responding to the subtle or overt manipulation of her male partner) and is performing her prescribed gender roles.

Attacking lesbians is central to the performance and submission to gender dictates. These women oppose transgenderism as they see the obvious extra burdens on women, not because they’re opposed to gender. The fight between often married or male partnered heterosexual women and transgenderists is a fight between two groups of genderists, it has nothing to do with radical feminism as these women also are chomping at the bit to attack lesbians who dare to speak against the their brand of genderism.

If one looks closely at these vomitoriums of barely suppressed lesbophobia you will often find that there is some offhand comment they let slip about their precious Nigel. They will often let slip some sarcastic reference to their Nigel being “evil” or “violent”. There we have it, their Nigel’s are offended and saddened by the mean lesbians not fucking and serving the class of men and not producing more of them.

They unknowingly show the source of their aggression towards lesbians – heterosexual males. Excuse me if I’m not surprised. And yet these women moan on and on about women who refuse to partner with men not trusting them and not taking them seriously as feminists. This is not new, many of the older generation remember “The Lavender Menace”. The male partnered feminists feverish assurances to men not to worry, they’ll still be reproducing the Patriarchal family unit. The rule of men is called Patriarchy for a reason, one cannot have Patriarchy if the men don’t become fathers by way of impregnating females. If this makes women partnered with men uncomfortable then all I can say is “Suck it up buttercup”. It’s your discomfort to deal with, it’s your cognitive dissonance to reconcile, not lesbians. Own your shit male partnered women, and stop coming after lesbians because I’ll give it to you straight, without lesbians you wouldn’t have the little you have now. You’d be forced to marry, have no vote, no abortion rights, no ability to work – you would have NONE of the rights you enjoy without lesbians working behind the scenes with a target on our backs (often put there by you). You would have nothing. Lesbians have always been the core of feminism, we are the engine room for theory and work, we are the backs on which the het/bi women stand to address the masses of women. You will feel our absence if we leave. Indeed the existence of part of the ladies auxiliary of the trans, the lesbian TIFS are testament to lesbians learning from male centred women how to be traitorous to the class of women. Look at the pasts of lesbian TIFS and you will find dozens of male partnered women chasing them out of the class of women, enforcing feminised submission, telling them they’re failed women, mocking them for not submitting to men, for resisting feminisation. They sat at your feet and learned all about hatred, male centredness and lesbian hating spite.

They listened to the jeers and saw you smirk at them and then decided that if THIS was a woman – a smirking, spiteful male centred handmaiden then they wanted no part of it. They heard your jeers calling them men and thought “Yep, that’s what I’ll be, I’ll curry favour with the male class not by serving them but by becoming one of them. A portion of the male class will accept me and see that imitation is the sincerest form of flattery”. It is male centred women that sowed the seed for the hatred of women in the TIFs, often sowed by the male centred mother. The choice between freedom and servility, between the female centred and the male centred is an important one, and women lose every time the female chooses to uphold and support male power over women.

Female TIFS are just the male partnered, femininity enforcing female genderists chickens coming home to roost. And now all women have to deal with their misguided treachery in addition to the much larger, far more powerful psychopathy of the TIMS. They turned the tables on the femininity conforming conservative male partnered women.

Make no mistake, these “gender crits” are supporters of Patriarchy, not opponents. They just want to end the danger of the sociopathic transcult. If it were to disappear tomorrow they would not fight for women’s rights, they are only interested in their own comfort as Patriarchies pets, which, though understandable given the punishments for not submitting, makes them utterly unsuitable for leadership of any group of radical feminists as they have proved themselves without the insight and without the integrity to fully oppose men’s power over women.


5 responses to “The Lies of The Fathers: His Female Propagandists and The Forgotten Genocide of Women and Girls”

  1. Branjor Avatar

    Whoa, yes, fantastic post! So true! Just a few days ago I was on the “gender crit” subreddit, which bills itself as “radical feminist”, and in response to some outrage, I forget what now, I said “maybe women should abort male fetuses or something.” Well, one dolly called the suggestion “Hitlerian” and, sure enough, another wrote a comment alternating “male abortion” with “male infanticide.” When she was called on equating abortion with infanticide she said she knew she was doing it and did not retract it. SO – I guess we women have a right to abortion, unless we decide to abort women’s rapists, murderers and oppressors, in which case we are “Hitlerian.” Other comments decried “sex selective abortion” as being heinous “no matter what the sex”, though one woman thought it should still be retained as an option so that girls wouldn’t have to be born into misogynistic families which hated them. As to “no matter what the sex” I think that being forced to abort one’s own sex because the husband / the rest of society only value the male sex IS heinous. However, making an individual decision to abort the male sex because of not wanting to carry and give birth to oppressors of women is only self determination.


  2. Widdershins Avatar

    I almost stood up and cheered at the ‘where would you be without lesbians’ bit. 🙂

    Thanks, Boo, for ‘guesting’ this.


  3. The Lies of The Fathers: His Female Propagandists and The Forgotten Genocide of Women and Girls – Neo Medusa

    […] via The Lies of The Fathers: His Female Propagandists and The Forgotten Genocide of Women and Girls […]


  4. Barbara Jennings Avatar
    Barbara Jennings

    Hello, Parker– I wanted to encourage you to list your blog on the new Gender Hammer Forum created by the owner of the closed fb group of the same name. She is the woman known as PeachYoghurt and of course lesbians in that forum present and future need to know about your writings. You can see who are involved and the levels of security. I hope to see you over there. BY the way the BUTCH secret group has a whole new feel these days — the femme is gone. She “quit.”



  5. BigBooButch Avatar

    Thank you, but I really do not want anything to do w/Gerdien Baker & I’m sure she feels the same about me.
    GREAT about the femme not modding the butch group anymore! Maybe I’ll come back!


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